Sunday, March 6, 2011

His unique creation

Facebook apps and all the posts from them get on my last only nerve!  However, this  morning I actually paid attention to one of those incessant posts and it became the topic for this blog!

I have a very dear friend who shared with me a quote that she repeated every day as often as possible until she overcame some self esteem issues.  Her self assuring quote was, "I am God's unique unrepeatable miracle and your rejection of me is your loss!"

I thought to myself when she shared this with me that it was mighty powerful.  I  had never really stopped and put that in perspective.  Of course I knew God created me; I have never doubted that.  To realize though that I am "unique" and there is none exactly like me (good thing too!  i don't think the world could handle two!)...well that put it in a new perspective.  Today's stolen quote from the Facebook app "On this day God wants you to know...." expanded that realization to another level.

Ok, ok!  Here are the stolen words....

On this day God wants you to know...

that you are created just right. Each kind of bird has a uniquely-shaped beak, wings, and even feather shape so that everything about it is perfect for the lifestyle... it lives. The various wing shapes allow them to dart after a bug, soar miles above a field, or fly for months over the ocean. Just as God cares enough to give each bird exactly what it needs, so you have been given the exact talents and personality to live the life God has given you...
I had to read that again to absorb it.

How many of us strive at some point our entire lives to change?  I know I have!  Self improvement is a good thing, but when is it too much?  Are you one of those who criticizes yourself frequently?  I am.  I tend to pick apart every aspect of my personality, appearance, manerisms, and pretty much anything else I can find to criticize about myself.  I study envy others.  I use those people as a measurement of how good insufficient I am.  I try to model their behaviors and styles.  I have now come to realize that this is when change is too much!

I wonder if I could slap God in the face just a little harder.  He created me to His unique and perfect plan for my life and I think I can do better!? 

"Just as God cares enough to give each bird exactly what it needs, so you have been given the exact talents and personality to live the life God has given you..."

God gave each of us (including me!) the EXACT talents and personality to live the life He gave us!  WOW!  He did it on purpose!  I am EXACTLY what He needed and wanted me to be in order to fit into His perfect plan for my life.  Now that is pretty darn special!

I'm smart.  Not as smart as other people I know, but smart nonetheless.  I'm pretty; not a supermodel, but who wants the stress associated with that?  I am compassionate; one of the things I have felt has been a downfall for me at times because it can hurt.  God meant that!  Without my compassion, I wouldn't be successful in my chosen career.  I'm outgoing; one of my qualities I have viewed as awkward at times.  If I weren't outgoing, then how in the world would I satisfy my need to be surrounded by people sometimes?  I thrive on human interaction.  Without my sometimes awkward outgoing personality, I would be kind of lonely and lose many opportunites to thrive.  I'm naive, which drives me crazy, but also protects me since I also have a tender heart.  If I weren't so naive to some of the ugly stuff that surrounds us, my heart would bleed almost non-stop.  I'm hard on people.  I hold them to high standards.  I have sometimes criticized myself for this because no one gave me the right to set these standards. WRONG!  God gave me that right.  If I didn't set high standards and hold people to them, I would lose the ability to help others grow. 

On this day, God wanted me to know that while self improvement is good, trying to morph into a collection of qualities from other people is not what He had planned for me.  I am who I am for a reason.

This Should Be Interesting I have a few friends acquaintances (friend has become a word that I use sparingly) that blog and I am always amazed at how their words make every day life seem so much  more interesting.  I've always been told I have a way with words, but we are our I am my own worst critic so of course I believe that I fail in comparison to other peoples' writing.  Regardless, I thought it might be fun to give it a shot and I'm on a new mission in life painstaking path of self improvement to do what I think will be fun in spite of any fear or anxiety associated with it.

So here I sit trying to determine what my first blog should be about...

Do I assume that I will have an audience that wants the whole "about me" routine so that they can understand the person behind the writing?

Do I look at this as a journal for myself because no one will really be interested in reading it anyway?

Do I start off with an amusing story or just what I've been up to lately?

How about a combination of all of the above?

I'm thinking it would be kind of cool to have an interactive blog where some adoring fan fellow insominiac with nothing better to do at 3AM could tell me what they want to hear about right now.

With no one to give input, I will just have to go with a funny story since those have brought pleasant responses in the past.


I had the special honor of spending my Friday night with my boyfriend's 8 year old son and his cousin.  First stop...movies!  We saw Big Momma: Like Father, Like Son.  Great flick with a really positive message for the youngsters.  I highly recommend it. protect the innocent and underaged I will now give my dates pseudonyms. 

Boyfriend's 8 Year Old Son - Boy Who Stole My Heart (BWSMH)
His Cousin - Future Comedian  (FC)

All good movies start at the snack line.  This price tag on this gave my bank account a painful reminder of why I started waiting on movies to come out on DVD!  The purpose of tonight though was pure, unadulterated fun, so there would be no worrying about the price tag.  I could confidently purchase sodas, candy, popcorn, and ice cream because I knew when my date was over, both boys were returning to their mothers!  I didn't realize that the snack part of movies was such a process with young boys.  FC has a very unique way of preparing his popcorn.  First, one of the seasoning bottles (I didn't see which once this was).  Second, popcorn topping (you know...that oil they call butter!) and LOTS of it.  Third, back to the seasonings...this time for the cheddar cheese.  I was paying attn at this point as I was intrigued by the intensity of his preparation.  Finally, nacho cheese!  Yes, you read this correctly!  He tops his popcorn with hot nacho cheese.  Now I can't really knock it, as I have never tried it, but I don't actually plan to.  I have to admit, this turned my weak stomach just a little.  As for BWSMH, well, he is the younger of the two and they are very close.  He MUST do things EXACTLY like his older and wiser cousin whenever possible.

Ok...snack bar complete, my hands full cause BWSMH thinks I am his personal pack rat, garbage can, etc., we head to the theater.  We made it all the way through the previews without excitement.  (If you knew these two boys, you would understand that this is a MAJOR accomplishment.)  A few minutes into the movie, BWSMH utitlizes his personal pack rat/garbage can once again.  It seems he doesn't like his popcorn concoction.  (Not a big surprise to me.)  It also seems he might have a bit of a tummy ache.  Poor kid...that's one way to learn that his and his cousin's tastes may be a little different!

So, you should know that FC will be very successful as a comedian one day.  He has the one quality that is essential to every good cooth!  About halfway through the movie, BWSMH confirms my suspicion of a tummy ache with a not so modest passing of flatulence.  FC can't let that one go unnoticed.  So he belts out in his very boisterous voice, "OMG!  BWSMH!  That was gross!  Julie, did you hear BWSMH fart?" that's something people enjoying the movie wanted to hear!  Yes, FC, I heard him SSSSHHHH!  Honestly though, I wasn't at all irritated...I was doing the best I could to contain my own laughter and not further disrupt the movie!

With an 8 and 11 year old boy as company, I was quite impressed that the movie concluded with no further excitement.  Of course when it was over, thanks to our top row seats, the boys just had to see their hands on the screen by blocking the projector.  Again...not irritated.  This was harmless fun and I found myself wishing that I had the childlike persona of not caring what people would think, but rather just doing what came to mind.

Off to the arcade...

If you have never watched the joy on the face of a boy in an arcade..add it to your bucket list.  As for me, there is nothing more satisfying and healing as the laughter and happiness of a child.  I find myself just staring in admiration.  Life would be so great if we could stay as innocent as children.  I watched for a while, but then had to get in on the action.  I LOVE air hockey.  The night before, I had whooped BWSMH's butt in a game of air hockey.  Time to take on a new contender.  Let's see just what you are made of FC.  To spare you the suspense....I beat him.  It might have been a little unfair though.  Apparently I am very amusing and I believe his laughter may have negatively affected his playing ability.

I accidentally knocked the air hockey puck into my own goal.  Forgetting my own cooth for a split second, I proclaimed, "Well that was gay!"  I didn't really think it was that funny, but FC sure did.  I should've been flattered that I was providing successful entertainment.  Unfortunately, my flattered feelings could not be lived thanks to FC's lack of cooth.  Every minute or so for the next 30 minutes the arcade was open, he shouted, "Well that was gay!" at the top of his lungs followed by a round of deep belly laughs.  Now of course I was delighted at his joy and loved hearing him laugh, but let's be real.  We don't live in a very nice world and the clientele at the arcade right before closing on a Friday night in a town with minimal entertainment can be kind of scary.  Add to it that actually being gay is the "cool" thing to do with teenagers these days...well, I was slightly concerned about the potential of his actions offending the wrong hoodlem teenage gang banger.  Luckily, the arcade closed before that happened.

The car ride home was more eventful than the entire night....

Somehow the boys challenged me into speaking "valley girl".  They just didn't know what they were getting into.  I mean I can like totally do the whole like valley girl thing.  I have the like hand motions, accent, and like totally have the attitude.  I "liked" their ears to bleeding on the way home.  We all laughed until we hurt, made our voices hoarse from trying to out talk each other, and luckily for their moms, utilized a great portion of that sugar energy I so kindly fed them. 

We blared the radio with no treble and the bass cranked all the way up.  We sang and car danced.  We verbally jabbed each other in good fun.  (Having raised girls before, I was in culture shock that this kind of exchange could happen without resulting in hurt feelings and week long grudges!) 

Unfortunately, the car ride and night had to come to an end.  Shortly before turning into the driveway, I turned the radio down and explained the importance of calming ourselves so as not to wake the sleeping beauties inside.  Thanks to my valley girl torture routine, they were more than happy to oblige as long as they could get out of being stuck in a car with me.  Apparently I was a little scary according to BWSMH. 

We visited and laughed some more when we got home before I had to return my dates to their respective mothers.  I was EXHAUSTED, but it was still bitter sweet.  It was hard to let a night like that end.  I definetely see more in my future.  I think this one will go down in my history book as one of the best dates ever!